Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs are over-emotional and very intuitive people. They are mysterious, quiet and the most susceptible to changes or varying moods. Water signs are certainly the most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Sometimes they can get very jealous, especially the Cancerian and the Scorpio. Water signs are prone to hiding their true feelings and emotions, and only few can peer into their heart. People born under water signs can fall prey to drugs and alcohol, when their emotions are threatened and they can’t cope with the situation anymore. However, they have an ability to understand people and know how to deal with others. In other words they are very caring, loving and helpful people.

The most complicated water sign is the Scorpio, who is very jealous and has high protective instinct when it comes to his family or home. On the other hand, the Pisceans are most concerned for the welfare of others, and they are willing to sacrifice their interests in order to help others. Water signs are often artistic and many people believe that they possess certain powers which may be healing or destructive depending on the character development. When others don’t acknowledge their efforts and sacrifices, water signs get deeply hurt.


Water signs get along best with other water signs, because they understand their emotional needs. Air signs are also very compatible with earth and fire signs, although a relationship between water and fire signs can become very complicated. A Water-Air combination can only be favorable if they respect each other’s individuality.

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